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How Do I Get Support For An Item I've Purchased?
Authors who are designers, developers and creatives from all over the globe are responsible for the work you see on Envato Market. Authors are not obligated to provide support, however most do. You will know if an author provides support, simply by viewing the “Support” tab on the item page.
How Do I Change My Password?
It is important that your Envato Account has a secure, private password at all times.
Sign in to your Envato Account via the button at the top right of the Envato Market sites.
How Do I Change My Username?
Sign in to your Envato Account via the button at the top right of the Envato Market sites.
Frequent username changes are not permitted
An Author’s Introduction to Envato Market
Becoming an author on Envato Market carries certain legal implications. Everything you sell must be your own original content. If you use any assets that are owned by someone else, you must have a license that grants you permission to use and resell them.
Historical Payment Rates
Over the years Envato Market has changed fees & rates several times – always in favour of our authoring community! If you have been selling files for some time, these rates may apply to you. If you are a new author, you should review our Current Rates or read about our author program If you are interested in Selling Your Work
Which Author Payment Option Do I Choose?
As an Envato Market author you need to select the most appropriate payment method in order to receive your earnings.
Each payment method and provider may have restrictions regarding which countries they pay to, for legal and / or commercial reasons.
How Do I Get Support For An Item I've Purchased?
Authors who are designers, developers and creatives from all over the globe are responsible for the work you see on Envato Market. Authors are not obligated to provide support, however most do. You will know if an author provides support, simply by viewing the “Support” tab on the item page.
Where can I find my Purchase Code?
Every item purchased on Envato Market has a unique code, called a purchase code.
A purchase code is used by authors to verify you have purchased a licence for the item. The purchase code may be required to access an author’s support site (if support is offered) or to enable automatic updates.
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